Why Asbestos Testing and Removal Is Crucial for Home Safety
If you're purchasing an older home or renovating your current property and are concerned about safety, you should get asbestos testing and removal services. Asbestos, once a commonly used building material because of its durability and fire-resistant properties, is now recognized as a serious health hazard. This post will discuss the risks associated with asbestos exposure and why professional testing and removal services are crucial for your home safety.
Risks Associated With Asbestos Exposure
Whenever materials that contain asbestos are disturbed or damaged, the microscopic fibers released into the hair pose severe health issues, including:
Asbestosis - A chronic condition that affects the lungs as a result of heavy exposure to asbestos fibers over the years. It causes progressive shortness of breath and can be fatal in severe cases.
Mesothelioma - A cancer caused by asbestos exposure affecting the lining of the lungs (pleura) and the lining surrounding the lower digestive tract (peritoneum). It is almost fatal once diagnosed.
Pleural Thickening - A problem caused by asbestos exposure resulting in pleural thickening and swelling. Common symptoms include shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest.
Respiratory Complications - Asbestos exposure for an extended period can cause chest tightness, persistent coughing, and reduced lung function.
Since these risks develop many years after exposure, individuals with older homes or those renovating their current property must schedule asbestos testing and removal services.
Why Asbestos Testing and Removal Service is Crucial for Home Safety
Asbestos is Widely Present
Asbestos removal is crucial because the toxic substance poses severe health risks and is widely present in homes and buildings nationwide. Both commercial and residential buildings contain a significant amount of asbestos. Hence, the need for asbestos testing and removal to maintain safety.
Asbestos Poses Health Risks
As earlier explained, asbestos exposure poses severe health risks for building occupants. These conditions start years after exposure, and some may even be fatal. By scheduling an asbestos removal service, you can protect yourself and other occupants of the building, as you live with the assurance that there's no threat of asbestos contamination.
Asbestos Removal Ensures Safety Compliance
Asbestos testing and removal is not only about protecting health but also about avoiding legal issues. If you're selling or leasing a property, failing to disclose asbestos hazards to potential buyers and occupants can result in legal matters, even if you don't know it is present. The best way to be sure and to avoid legal issues is to get professional asbestos testing and removal to ensure compliance with regulations.
Need Professional Asbestos Testing and Removal in Dallas?
Regent Restoration offers top-quality asbestos testing and removal services in Dallas. We have built a reputation for quality service delivery through our specialists, who combine their expertise and experience to detect and remove damaging and harmful elements from your home. Contact us today to discuss how we can make your home safe and affordable.