Dallas Hardwood Floor Mat Drying Service

Hardwood floors can quickly show signs of water damage including cupping, bowing, and buckling in as little as 24 hours after water damage occurs. While harder types of wood can withstand the effects of water damage longer than softer woods, all wood is absorbent and requires special equipment to remove the excess moisture from the wood floor to prevent permanent damage and mold growth.

Advancements in water damage drying technology have made it possible to save hardwood floors damaged by water. Hardwood floor mat drying systems nave enabled restoration professionals to effectively extract the water and excess moisture content from the wood floor and subfloor, all without having to remove the floor.

How does Hardwood Floor Mat Drying Systems Work?

Because hardwood floors absorb water and can also allow water to pass through to the subfloor, the moisture must be suctioned to be removed effectively. When using hardwood floor drying mats, the mats are placed on top of the wood floor and are attached to high-powered air movers using tubing. As the air mover runs, it extracts water from the floors, and begins lowering the moisture content in the wood.

It is imperative that a professional perform hardwood floor drying, as it requires careful management to prevent over-drying that can damage the wood floors. Hardwood floors maintain a natural moisture content, and too much drying can cause the wood to crack or splinter. Special equipment is also necessary to effectively dry the floors as quickly as possible, preventing swelling of the wood that can lead to buckling and bowing.

Can My Hardwood Floor Be Saved after Water Damage?

Even if the floor has begun cupping, many times hardwood floors can be dried and restored after sustaining water damage. With that said, the sooner water damage cleanup can begin, the better the odds. Floors will often need to be refinished after the water damage has been addressed in order to restore the original beauty and shine, but can look as good as new even after water damage.

Benefits of Hardwood Floor Mat Drying System

Drying hardwood thoroughly instead of replacing them can;

  • Cut down on insurance costs

  • Greatly reduce impact on the property owner (you)

Should I Be Concerned About Mold Growth?Mold growth is always a possibility when dealing with water damage, and hardwood floors are no exception. Mold can begin growing in as little as 24 hours after water damage occurs, and has an ideal growing environment beneath water damaged hardwood floors. Mold can grow on the wood itself if the moisture content in the wood is high enough.

Prevention is the best approach when it comes to mold growth, and hiring a water damage restoration professional as quickly as possible will give you the greatest odds of preventing mold and saving your hardwood floors.

Hardwood Floor Drying in Dallas

Regent Restoration provides hardwood floor drying services in Dallas and the surrounding areas. Our technicians have the training, experience, and state-of-the-art hardwood floor mat drying equipment necessary to effectively extract water from hardwood floors, and can return your water-damaged floors back to normal. Contact Regent Restoration today to learn more about our water damage services.

We personally use the Dri-Eaz mat drying Rescue System.


The Beginners Guide To Water Damage


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