Congratulations To Our Scholarship Winner!

In 2017 the U.S. was smacked with a flurry of natural disasters. In total, the U.S. was hit with 16 natural disaster and climate events, each of them destroying homes and lives in their wake.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, 2017 was one of the most expensive years on record with costs exceeding $300 billion.

The coasts were pounded with the devastating trinity of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

In addition, there was flooding and wildfires in California, hail storms in Colorado and Minnesota, three tornado outbreaks, and droughts in the Plains.

As one of the leading disaster restoration companies in Dallas, we have first-hand experience seeing the horrible aftermath when natural disasters hit.

Last year we created the Regent Restoration Disaster Relief scholarship so that we could better educate people about disaster preparedness.

When disasters strike, being prepared ahead of time could mean the difference between life or death.

As part of our program, we offered a $500 prize to whoever wrote the best essay and donated $250 to the Direct Relief Fund, an organization that helps victims rebuild their lives after natural disasters strike.

We had a lot of applicants but based on the quality of his essay, we chose Jordan Kinney as the winner of our competition.

Jordan is a student at Moberly Area Community College in Missouri.

While you can’t prevent disasters you can decide how you’ll react when one hits.

Jordan displayed that he has the knowledge to stay safe during a dangerous event.

Congratulations Jordan! Keep studying hard.


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